Once we have an Openshift cluster with a list of users, it’s important to set what is possible to do for each user.
Openshift works with an RBAC system when a list of roles can be assigned to a user or group.
In this article, we will see what a group is. How to assign users to a specific group and how to assign roles to users and groups.
A user is a person or entity that can interact with the Openshift cluster. In the previous article, we saw how to create users.
You can see it here: How to create OCP users
A group is a series of users that share a series of roles or permissions.
Create an Openshift group
To create groups, we will use the command oc adm groups
. The following example shows how to create a group called developers.
oc adm groups new developers
Add users to the Openshift group
Once a group exists, we can add users to it. In this example, we add the user Bob
to the group developers
oc adm groups add-users developers Bob
A role represents a determinate activity such as viewing, editing or creating projects. By default, Openshift offers a list of default roles.
This list of roles is the following. The description of each can be found here: default-roles_using-rbac
Default cluster role |
admin |
basic-user |
cluster-admin |
cluster-status |
cluster-reader |
edit |
self-provisioner |
view |
A role is assigned to a user or group and grants the privileges of doing anything. For example, the following example grants the possibility of seeing the project boxes
for the group developers
oc adm policy add-role-to-group view boxes
Another possibility is to add a role to a specific user. We will use the add-role-to-user
- https://docs.openshift.com/container-platform/4.8/authentication/identity_providers/configuring-htpasswd-identity-provider.html
- https://docs.openshift.com/container-platform/4.10/authentication/using-rbac.html
- https://github.com/dbgjerez/ocp-HTPasswd-file-provider